Kon Klor Village

Kon Klor village of Bana people in Pleiku

Visiting Pleiku, you should not miss the Kon Klor village where the Bana people live. Maybe 2 nights at the place to know their culture, and tradition, especially by the early morning or late afternoon time to know their daily life and take some nice shorts for the memory

Kon Klor village, Pleiku
The communal house of Bana people

Kon Klor village, Pleiku
The Wooden church in Kon Klor village

Kon Klor village, Pleiku
The traditional house of Bana people in Pleiku

Kon Klor village, Pleiku
The most beautiful bridge in highland center of Vietnam over the Dak Pla river

Kon Klor village, Pleiku

Kon Klor village, Pleiku

Kon Klor village, Pleiku

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